New startup in Media City Odense collaborates with TV 2

Odense, 4. juni 2021

A new startup has become a member of Media City Odense (MCO) and they already work together with TV 2.

It is the company MediaCatch from MFI at SDU who now becomes a part of the media cluster.

“Det er samarbejde som det her, som Media City Odense er sat i verden for. Når vi kan kombinere de forskellige fagligheder og kompetencer på tværs af forskning, forretning og nye medieteknologier, så viser MCO virkelig, hvad det er for et potentiale, der ligger gemt i Odense,“ siger Carsten Topholt, finansdirektør i TV 2 og bestyrelsesmedlem i Media City Odense.

MediaCatch is the next generation audio and visual media intelligence software. The company has a media monitoring product on the market and also performs analyzes for major brands and companies. Common to everything the company does is that it is powered by unique software that analyzes media content in new ways. Using AI, algorithms and machine learning, MediaCatch can see, hear and understand what is going on in video, audio and text. They use proprietary technologies in e.g. logo and face recognition.

Must analyze content on TV 2's TV channels

There are several different parts of the technology, including face recognition that comes into play in connection with the collaboration with TV 2. As part of a project at SDU, MediaCatch must provide data about content on TV 2's and DR's TV channels for a period of time.

“Vi er meget begejstret både for at komme med i MCO og for allerede at indgå i et projekt skabt på tværs af medieklyngen. Vores teknologi gør, at vi kan kigge på alt det som TV 2 og DR sender 24 timer i døgnet. Tidligere har man kun kigget på udvalgte udsendelser, men vores software gør, at man kan få et mere komplet billede af, hvordan indholdet reelt ser ud i underholdning, nyheder, talkshows, sportsprogrammer osv.“, fortæller CEO Lars Damgaard Nielsen.

MediaCatch was founded by three employees at SDU, and has received funding from media consultant and co-founder of this year's Danish startup VEO Technologies, Keld Reinicke.

For further information contact
Lars Damgaard Nielsen, CEO MediaCatch,, 93 507 587 or Anne Dyrehauge, CEO. Director Media City Odense,, 30 100 385.