About Media City Odense

We believe that connecting people create innovation and that innovation create positive change. Our vision is therefore anchored in three key words:

Connect - Innovate - Change

Media City Odense mission is to become Denmarks most innovative and value creating medie tech cluster through cooperation.

Through cooperation and network building, MCO wishes to contribute to the creation of new knowledge, the development of new skills as well as innovative and competitive solutions, products, and services within the media and mediatech industry with a focus on both the Danish as well as the international market. The aim is to create a community based on trust and cooperation that empowers local, regional, and national Danish journalism, content production, and communication/distribution.

Media City Odense has a strong focus on innovation, growth, and development. Therefore, Media City Odense evolves around three strategic pillars:

  • Innovation
  • Knowledge
  • Entrepreneurship

Media City Odense works with initiatives that taps into each pillar such as the establishment of meeting places, events, research trips, development projects across industries, study-related offers, talent courses, and start-up support.

Vi bærer kvalitetsstemplet “Made in Odense” af Odense Kommune. Det gør vi, fordi Odense er vores hjem, og fordi vi gerne vil være med til at promovere byen som et attraktivt og innovativt sted – både for virksomheder og fremtidige talenter indenfor branchen.

Follow our social media for updates about our current events and offers.


Igennem samarbejde at øge samfundsværdien og danskernes tidsforbrug på danske platforme


Igennem samarbejde at styrke evnen til at tiltrække og videreudvikle medarbejdere samt opstartsvirksomHeder indenfor medietech og indholdsproduktion


  • (Chairman of the Board of MCO) Bjarne W. Munck, Vice adm. direktør / COO v. JFM
  • Dorthe Buekjær Jørgensen, Konstitueret direktør v. TV2 Fyn
  • Klaus Bøgeholdt, Head of Department, Media Technology, Production & Facility, TV 2 Denmark
  • Erik Laumand, Chairman of the board v. Nørgård Mikkelsen.
  • Simon Møberg Torp, Dekan, University of Southern Denmark
  • (Observer in MCO) Chief of Staff, Transformation & Organisation, Odense Municipality

The United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Social responsibility

Media City Odense contributes to the global goals with a strong partnership across organisations, educational environments and business. We strengthen a strong community that, in a cross-field of research, educational institutions and job opportunities, ensures young people the opportunity for education and jobs in an exciting media and tech environment. Social responsibility is an integral part of the development in Denmark's new media tech cluster. With inclusion and innovation in a diversity of gender, age and educational background, MCO focuses on creating opportunities for development and growth through the cluster.


Media City Odense and the founders behind it want to create a new physical media city in Odense, where sustainable construction and operation with resource-responsible solutions are environmentally, socially and economically included in the project.

The media city is in the preliminary planning phase, but it has already been visualized by architects with sustainable solutions to ensure that it becomes a new green district rooted in Odense's identity. The media city is being built next to TV 2 Danmark on a large plot of land owned by DSB Ejendomme. The media city will be Media City Odense's yearly must attend event. for Odense and ensure the cluster a national leading position in the media industry and the surrounding ecosystem.