MCO ACADEMY – knowledge we create together
Media city odense
Courses in Broadcast & IT.
advanced course in ChatGPT: become more efficient with custom GPTs and the latest features.
October 3, 2024
Through relevant exercises, you will delve into the material and enhance your understanding and application of AI: tips and tricks, the latest opportunities within your specific industry and field of work, and not least the opportunity to build your own personal assistant, tailored to help you with your specific tasks. The instructor is Peder Hammerskov, an assistant professor from DMJX.
PRICE: 4,995 DKK + VAT | PU-support: 1,300 DKK.
Access to documents
:: October 2, 2024 ::
Learn all about the purpose of the law, the application process, common problem areas, and handling rejections with our in-depth course on access to public records. Whether you want to cover authorities, self-governing institutions, associations, or foundations, you will gain knowledge on where and how to effectively request access to public records. Get equipped to navigate the complaint system and make access to public records your tool for transparency and great stories.
Brugerbehov: Bliv ekspert i metoden der skaber resultater.
:: October 9, 2024 ::
Brugerbehov går sin sejrsgang i verden og i Danmark, hvor en række medier har skabt markant vækst. Dette kursus er for dig, der vil lære metoden “Brugerbehov” at kende og skabe bedre og mere relevant indhold. Bag kurset står erfarne journalister, som med stor succes har implementeret metoden hos en række medier og organisationer.
PRICE: 5,360 DKK + VAT | PU-support: 1,300 DKK.
Den nye leder
:: November 14, 2024 ::
Ny i lederrollen? Redaktionsmøder, KPI’er, kolleger, kalenderoversigt… Frygt ej! På dette kursus bliver du mere bevidst om dine mange roller som (mellem)leder, du får redskaber, som giver dig bedre forudsætninger for at lykkes i en medieorganisation, og du får konkrete værktøjer, der bidrager til at du (og dit team) når jeres ,mål i fællesskab.
Photography and video with a smartphone
:: November 13, 2024 ::
Concerts, pets, and gnarled cherry trees – we capture all kinds of moments with our phones. But what about using your own mobile for professional work in the field? In this course, you’ll learn exactly that – and much more!
We dive into everything from light optimization to color theory and composition. You’ll gain insight into a range of techniques and effects that elevate the quality of your photos and videos to the next level.
Make AI your best colleague as a journalist
:: November 27, 2024 ::
AI can make you a better journalist. Reduce the time you spend on routine tasks and instead let AI be your trusty assistant and right-hand. The course aims to make you a proficient journalist who masters and utilizes artificial intelligence. Join us for two modules dedicated to artificial intelligence!
Help for the journalist who has to do it all
:: December 3, 2024 ::
In a busy journalistic day with many tasks at hand, it can be challenging to create systematic content of good quality.
In this course, you will gain deep insight into the considerations, questions, and principles that often underpin the development of a good, long-lasting format.
How to Find and Hire the Talent of the Future
Er du leder og ansætter du løbende nye medarbejdere? Vil du vide, hvordan du kan tiltrække og ansætte de yngre generationer, der er digitalt indfødte og stiller andre krav? Så er dette kursus skræddersyet til dig.
TILMELDING (lukket indtil ny dato)
MCO-MEDLEM: 3.250 kr.
IKKE MCO-MEDLEM: 3.750 kr.
Skab indhold der engagerer med data
Overraskende få journalister i Danmark ved, hvordan man udnytter de mange muligheder til at producere borgernær journalistik. Men nu kan du blive en af dem, der gør. På dette kursus får du ny inspiration, indblik i metoder og nye AI-værktøjer, der giver overblik over store mængder af data, samt lærer, hvordan du omdanner det til engagerende indhold.
TILMELDING (lukket indtil ny dato)
PRICE: 9.995 kr. + moms | PU-støtte: 2.600 kr.
WHAT IS MCO Academy?
MCO Academy is further education and upskilling that we create together for mutual benefit. That's the short version. An MCO Academy course is always created in collaboration with one or more companies from the industry, ensuring a direct link between theory and practice. This means that courses in MCO Academy are not off-the-shelf products, but are always developed in close collaboration with those who will use them. This ensures that we get the optimal benefit while also ensuring an incredibly competitive price for cluster members due to their own involvement.
MCO Academy offers targeted courses for a wide range of employees, providing both further education for seasoned employees and for new employees who lack specific skills and competencies.
All of MCO Academy's offerings can be found on this website with online registration. Members of Media City Odense receive a special MCO price on all courses.
Media city odense
Positive feedback from those who have already attended courses with MCO Academy."
“Morten Boysen er en inspirerende oplægsholder med en dyb forståelse for ny teknologi. Selvom jeg ankom med skepsis, formåede Morten at skabe nysgerrighed og tryghed omkring brugen af Midjourney. Med en perfekt blanding af faglig sparring og kreative opgaver, blev alle mine tvivl ryddet af vejen. Uden tvivl det bedste kursus jeg har deltaget i.”
Susanne Nielsen / Graphic Designer, Jubel Design Studio
"Everyone with a storyteller inside should attend this course with Boyd Huppert and Jonathan Malat. In an inspiring manner, they shared their many years of experience in telling important and touching stories, while illustrating various techniques with live examples. In addition to a well-structured program with engaging speakers, you took home stacks of good tips and tricks for immediate use in everyday life and a renewed desire to play with language, formats, and (camera) angles."
Anne Mette Thrane, Editor for Social Media and Digital Development, TV 2 Fyn
Media city odense
Other Courses and Events
We offer a range of exciting learning experiences within various media areas. Get ready to explore a world of media events and courses with MCO.
Vision for MCO Academy
With our feet in the reality of our members and our hand in the cloud of knowledge, we create solid and targeted continuing education for the benefit of the entire industry. MCO Academy gathers the challenges of the media and tech industries and creates solutions across the board, because we believe that people grow through each other's presence and are strengthened through community.
Hele tankegangen bag MCO Academy bunder i en idé om, at hvis vi tør dele vores udfordringer, skaber vi sammen bedre løsninger. Så frem for at kæmpe om de samme profiler til specialiserede stillinger, bygger vi dem op i fællesskab og skaber målrettet, effektiv og praksisnær efteruddannelse, der løfter medarbejderne fagligt såvel som socialt.
MCO Academy is not a closed club. On the contrary. We believe that we grow together when we encounter new perspectives, become creatively inspired and develop new and meaningful relationships. So whether it concerns newly hired employees who lack competencies within a given field, or whether it is upgrading experienced employees, MCO Academy is your solution.
Good to know about courses at MCO Academy.
We have gathered everything worth knowing about courses at MCO Academy. Get a grip on all the fine print by reading the following applicable rules and rights.
Media City Odense will send an invoice for the course fee after registration. Participant fees will not be refunded for late cancellations or no-shows.
It is possible to cancel a course without charge 30 days before the start of the course
If you cancel too late or don't show up, it is not possible to get a refund. This also applies in case of illness. On the other hand, it is allowed to replace a sick or absent participant with another participant from the same company.
Cancellation of course
If a course is cancelled, all paid fees will be refunded. Any costs incurred by the individual participant (e.g. transportation or hotel) are at their own expense.
Media City Odense will always inform about changes/cancellations directly to the individual participant as soon as possible. This will happen either via email or telephone.