Series competition at SDU creates closeness to the industry 

Odense, 14. juni 2022

A new project at SDU has just culminated and the winners of ‘STV-SDU's series competition’ have been found.

The Media Science program at SDU is part of the MCO collaboration and thus has a vision to create a bridge between students, researchers and the media production industry.

To concretize this vision, the project ‘STV-SDU's series competition’ has been launched to create matchmaking between talents, series ideas and the series production industry.

Between February 1 and May 20, current and former students from the two programs have entered the competition to develop the best TV series idea.

No less than 138 entered the competition, and after a tough elimination race, there were 7 groups left who pitched their series idea to a jury.
They fought to win the award for 'best pitch' and 'best research' - both awards sponsored by FilmFyn. As well as 'best series idea', which was won by Andreas Relster and Frederik Villads with the series Campisterne.

The project is here to stay and what is required is one or more production companies that prioritize spending time in developing and collaborating jointly with the students and SDU.
Values ​​are created for both the industry and the students. The industry gets a clear idea of ​​what talents it can draw on in the future and a number of series ideas.
The students gain experience in developing content in dialogue with the industry, relevant networks and new partners.

If you would like to hear more about the project, contact Heidi Philipsen, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Southern Denmark, at