Odense,  16. december 2022

Året det gik i MCO

It has been an eventful year for Media City Odense. MCO has grown, and we have jointly created new collaborations and development projects that really boost our mission - to be Denmark's most innovative and value-creating media tech cluster.

We have collected some of the highlights for 2022:

Denmark's leading media city
Back in June, in collaboration with our founders, we were able to unveil our visions of a physical Media City Odense on Jarlsberggade in Odense next to TV 2 Kvægtorvet. With the media city, we want to create new standards for innovation and collaboration and set the framework for the workplace of the future, where talent, technology and innovation are the focus. You can see more here. og læse den fulde pressemeddelelse fra juni 2022 here..

The MCO MediaTech Festival is here to stay
2022 was the year when Denmark's largest MediaTech Festival was launched for the first time in DOK5000 in Odense. It was a huge success, with over 400 people gathered in three days with speakers from the top shelf as well as the media tech industry's biggest companies from home and abroad. Now awaits the MCO MediaTech Festival 2023, where we open the doors on 31 May and 1 June, and we look forward to focusing on the latest trends in media, tech, communication, marketing and production. You can read much more about MCO MediaTech Festival 2023 and buy your EARLY BIRD ticket with a 20% discount right now here..

New members in MCO

Klynge has had growing pains in 2022. A huge welcome to all the new innovative members of Media City Odense who have joined during the year: Nørgård Mikkelsen, highpitch, Profox, KommPress, Connie, Filmhus Fyn, Hippo Productions, Willmore, Pixop , UCL Erhverv, nxtedition and Lokal TV Fyn. There are more on the way, which we are really looking forward to unveiling in January.

Talent Fellowship

In September, we kicked off our new Talent Fellowship in collaboration with Den Fynske Bladfond and Fyens Stiftstidende. The fellowship can be applied for by thesis students who focus on tech, development and innovation in the media industry. With the establishment of the Talent Fellowship, two or three thesis students each semester receive a scholarship of DKK 50,000 as well as a workplace and connection to a media workplace in the cluster. In January 2023, the first two Talent projects will be published.

The year has also offered a multitude of events under MCO auspices in collaboration with our many partners, e.g.:

  • 4 x idea development workshops for MCO MediaTech Festival 2023 with fantastic input from members, partners and founders
  • 5 x morning meetings in KBH in collaboration with Willmore
  • Maker-lab pitches at SDU with TV 2 Fiktion, TV 2 Fyn and Heartbeats (rejoice, the subject will return next year)
  • 2 x MediaBrunches in Odense – one on constructive journalism with Gerd Maria May and the other on success on LinkedIn with KommPress
  • Tech Stack event in collaboration with Teknologiens Mediehus
  • Status of project 'AI in the newsroom' at MCO with SDU, TV 2, JFM and TV 2 Funen
  • And not least the welcome event at Anarkist for the new team of journalism students from SDU, where they got an insight into the cluster's initiatives, who MCO is for and specifically how the students can use Media City Odense during their studies.

To that extent, it has been another fantastic year for MCO, and you can rest assured, because we have no intention of slowing down... We look forward to 2023, which offers new exciting projects, members and events.

We wish all partners, members and friends of the house a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Warm greetings from director Anne Dyrehauge and the entire MCO team